My poor, neglected blog...
I have not written for several months - or so it would appear. Actually, I wrote a draft to follow up on my last entry on the topic:"Gift," This draft seems to have disappeared into cyberspace and somehow I don't feel like I can move on without addressing this topic one more time... yet my head is full of experiences and thoughts regarding Loving and Laughing and Learning while I live my Life. I want to get them recorded, so here are a few more thoughts on "Gift" so that I can move on...
It was mid-June and we were only days away from closing escrow on our home in Washington. A Gift came our way in the form of a disaster... a man who owns the 18 acres adjoining our 5 acres delivered this gift to our title company who then informed us. It was a spurious lawsuit contesting a 5-10 foot section of property as well as several lies and false accusations. We were stunned. We agreed to a quick settlement - feeling rather sick because the lawsuit was so ridiculous... yet we wanted to complete the sale. Unfortunately, the buyers freaked out and went looking elsewhere. Fortunately we had only agreed to settle if the sale went through. With a multitude of damages, we reluctantly filed a countersuit. Ugh.
We were back at square one - the house back on the market, plenty of debt, and up to our eyeballs in legal issues. Not where we wanted to be... and yet....
Experience has taught me that trials can help us to grow. Trials can make us better people. Trials can be a GIFT. I took a breath and began to try to be grateful for this Gift and find the good.
I didn't have to look very far. Within a week I felt that my marriage was stronger than ever. My relationship with the Lord was more dear. We had a fresh perspective on a number of things including our future and LIFE in general.
Almost immediately I was able to use this "Gift" and this Washington property to bless the lives of family, friends and neighbors in completely different but very tangible ways. All of these things brought me such joy - I see that I would not have wanted to miss these opportunities.
My gratitude for our Gift situation has become more sincere. To be honest, it is indeed a trial and certainly weighs me down - yet I believe that it is a blessing. We have already learned so much. I believe that we are on this Earth to learn, grow and become better people. It is not for us to dictate what a blessing actually is - would a life of ease and comfort cause us to grow or become better? We may desire it, but if we truly desire to improve and be more than we now are... I have to think it will come primarily through trials. Therefore I say, trials can be blessings, especially if you make the effort to express gratitude. Even more difficult, don't wait until years down the road to see the good and find the gratitude. Finding it while in the midst of the trial can lift that burden even while it is weighing you down.
Here is a
video of our property in Washington. I'm sure I've posted it before... but since I still own it... I am thinking I will always own it... and what a great vacation home! You may also notice that there is plenty of forest around - and that the man who owns almost 200 acres of property in the county could stop worrying about .2 acres of mine!
ps - I just watched the video. I must say I really miss my front porch and the bubbler in my front yard. Also my many amazing blueberry bushes, but mostly the porch and bubbler. Wow - it is really pretty there! My Texas friends will like to see that even before we moved here we were flying our Texas flag!